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Chen Hui Jing edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the v4 wiki. Here you can find information about site setup, technical design decisions and background to how we got to the state we are at today. As the name suggests, this is the fourth iteration of the website. It most probably won't be the last.


The first site (or at least, the first one that anyone can remember) was built on Dactyl, and you can see the archived repository at It appears there was an attempt at a website refresh built with VuePress but somehow that didn't come to pass.

The website refresh that did go live was built on Jekyll and hosted on CloudCannon. It might have been done by an external agency, but who remembers at this point. Over time, however, the team found it increasingly difficult to make updates to the site and also felt that the design could do with an overhaul, so interledger-website got replaced with the next version.

We had engaged an agency to build this third version of They chose headless Drupal with a NextJS frontend. The overall new design was quite well-received, however, the handover was not a smooth process. The site implementation had issues, both major and minor, dependency management and the deployment pipelines were also a bit of a mystery. The number of moving parts for a brochure website was a little excessive, and we made the decision to rewrite the entire site. The source code is and

And that's where we are now, with the fourth version of This one. This version is a conventional Drupal 10 site that we are hosting on AWS.