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Starterkit/ Boilerplate for Projects with Vue, Vuex, Vuetify and Firebase Authentication + Firestore DB.

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Starterkit/ Boilerplate for Projects with Vue, Vuex, Vuetify and Firebase Authentication + Firestore DB.

@author: uke5tar
@date: 2020-04-01
@login: [email protected] (email) / revuese (password)


Don't bother reinventing the wheel for each project. Use this vue-starter-kit/ vue-boilerplate with google firestore-authentication to jump into developing your idea straight away. Get authentication (firestore), dynamic routing, state management (vuex), the powerful vuetify component library, SCSS support, a modern testing Setup (Cypress & Jest), the latest bable plugins (optional chaining/ nullish-coalescing-operator) and much more ready configured for your next project.

How to get started

  1. Fork this repository and clone your forked version to your local machine
  2. cd into revuese
  3. Change all occurences of 'revuese' in the code with your projects'name
  4. Run npm install
  5. Create .env.local file in root directory
  6. Setup Firebase account:
  7. Go to console ( and create new web project
  8. Create a new web app for your project including firestore
  9. Go within firebase console to the tab Authentication - Sign-in Method and enable Email/Password as sign-in method for your project
  10. Go within firebase console to Database and create a new collection named 'users' in your firestore database (you can use Auto ID) and change the database rule to
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
       allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
  1. Copy ApiKey, AuthDomain and ProjectId into .env.local file with the following syntax:
  1. Run npm start
  2. Go to localhost:8080
  3. Click on Signup here and register
  4. A new users database has been created for you (check in Firebase Admin Panel in the section 'Databases')
  5. Firebase provides free Hosting for your app. Go to the tab Hosting within the firebase console to see your project's subdomain url.


Special features:

  • Dynamic routing -- Each folder within src/pages will be automagically turned into a route (see src/plugins/router/helper.js)
  • Dynamic store -- The store comes with two pre-build Modules. 'User' and Current'. The latter one is special because state, getters, actions and mutations are automagically created by simply adding the name for it into a predefined array thus avoiding to write unnecessary boilerplate code. It works only for simple state values that don't specific specific calculations (see src/plugins/store/helper/storeCreator.js)
  • Firebase Authentication -- Firebase Authentication (.env.local with api credentials needed) with individual methods on prototype ($firebase, $fireauth and $firestore) -- Comes with login, logout, signup and password-reset pages and the built-in logic needed for that to authenticate. See page 'Authenticated' for an example. -- Each user gets after signup by default the role 'guest'. See page 'Guest' for an example.
  • Automatic creation of an user database in firestore after signup
  • Firebase CRUD methods -- Essential Firebase methods are abstracted into reusable mixins (addNamedCollection, addAutoIdCollection, getData, mergeData, removeField, updateData, overwriteData) that read from a firestoreRefs object with individual pathes based on your firestore database schema.

Other features:

Components (prebuilt):

  • Login, Signup, Passwordreset (before auth)
  • Appbar, Navigation Drawer (after auth)
  • Profile with necessary logic to update own profile in firebase
  • Draggable Modal with many functionalities
  • Loader and snackbar with dedicated methods and default values (see mixins/snackbar and mixins/loader)
  • Title as an example global component (see components/global) with an example unit test

Pages (prebuilt):

  • Login, Signup, Passwordreset, Home, Account, Settings, Error


  • SCSS support pre-configured via sass-ressource-loader in vue.config.js


  • Dedicated config files in root


  • Optional-chaining
  • Nullish-coalescing-operator

Packages/ Tools:

  • Vuex
  • Vuex persistant state (persist after reload)
  • Vuetify
  • Secure-ls to encrypt local vuex state
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Jest (unit)
  • Cypress (E2E)
  • Husky (Git hooks)


See: 'How to get started' for detailed project setup instructions.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve || npm run start

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run unit and end-t-end tests

npm run test

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Run your end-to-end tests

npm run test:e2e

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


npm run deploy

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Starterkit/ Boilerplate for Projects with Vue, Vuex, Vuetify and Firebase Authentication + Firestore DB.






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