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Preamble Utils

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A JavaScript utility library for Shopify themes.


Webpack, Browserify, etc.

npm install preamble-utils --save

// commonjs
var Preamble = require('preamble-utils');

// es6 modules
import { findVariantFromOptions } from 'preamble-utils';





Arguments expect the format of the output of {{ product | json }}

  title: 'Product Title',
  variants: [{
    option1: 'Blue',
    option2: 'Small',
    option3: null,
    available: true,
    price: 1399
  options: ['Color', 'Size']
findVariantFromOptions(variants: object[], options: object): object | undefined

Find a variant with the given options.

Any option that is not included is considered null.

const options = { option1: 'White' } is the same as:

const options = { option1: 'White', option2: null, option3: null }

Returns undefined if none are found.

const variants = [
    { title: 'Blue / Small', option1: 'Blue', option2: 'Small', option3: null },
    { title: 'Green / Small', option1: 'Green', option2: 'Small', option3: null },

findVariantFromOptions(variants, {
  option1: 'Green',
  option2: 'Small'
// { title: 'Green / Small', option1: 'Green', option2: 'Small', option3: null }
firstAvailableVariant(variants: object[]): object | undefined

Get the first available variant. Returns undefined if none are available.

const variants = [
    { title: 'Blue / Small', available: false },
    { title: 'Green / Small', available: true }

// { title: 'Green / Small', available: true }
formatMoney(money: integer, prefix: string): string

Simple money formatting. prefix defaults to '$'.

// '$13.99'

formatMoney(1399, '£');
// '£13.99'
imageSize(url: string, size: string): string

Get the URL to an image size.

const url = '';

imageSize(url, 'large');
uniqueOptions(variants: object[], options: object[]): object[]

Get the unique options and its values

const variants = [
    { title: 'Blue / Small', option1: 'Blue', option2: 'Small', option3: null },
    { title: 'Green / Small', option1: 'Green', option2: 'Small', option3: null },
const options = ['Color', 'Size'];

uniqueOptions(variants, options);
// [
//   { name: 'Color', values: ['Blue', 'Green'] },
//   { name: 'Size', values: ['Small'] }
// ]