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The data file

warwickrudd edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

The data file

The data file holds the data for your event. This is the file that you will update as your event progresses. It is created in the _data/events directory.

It is best to use Visual Studio Code with the YAML extension installed to edit this code and to check the problems tab as this will quickly show you where there is malformed YAML. This is explained further in the check your YAML page

The file must be named exactly datasaturday plus the 4 digits with leading zeros of your event and with a yml extension. for example datasaturday0005.yml

In this file paste all the following

name: "This is the name of your event inside the double quotes - for example - Data Saturday #5 - Redmond"
date: The date of your event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss TZ IE 2021-06-12 08:00:00 -0000

description: "Place the description of your event here inside the double quotes, you may use HTML. You MUST escape double quotes with a backslash \

If you wish to add images they must be placed in a directory named the 4 digits of your event in the assets/events directory. (Look in the repo for examples)

and referenced /assets/img/events/00XX/img.png for example <img src=\"/assets/img/events/0005/data_saturday_logo.jpg\" width=\"225\" height=\"225\">

Line breaks need to be entered as <br>
registrationurl: This is your registration URL
  description: Click on the room you want to join. You can change rooms at any time to attend the sessions that you prefer.
    - name: Room 1
      url: you can add more rooms if you have a virtual event. You can remove these if you do not know yet.

scheduleurl: This is your schedule URL from Sessionize. You can leave this blank until you have it.

  - link: https://yoursponsorlink
    image: your sponsor image
    height: image height if required

speakerlisturl: This is your Call For Speakers URL when you start, once you have chosen your sessions change this to your Sessionize SpeakerWall API URL
callforspeakers:  true (until your call for speaker finishes!)

volunteerrequesturl: If you want a link for people to volunteer place it here
  - name: Your name
    email: Contact email or not

You will then need to add the required information for your event

  • name - This is the name of your event inside double-quotes - for example - "Data Saturday #5 - Redmond"
  • date - The date of your event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss TZ format - for example 2021-06-12 08:00:00 -0000
  • description - The description of your event, be as descriptive as you wish. You may use HTML. You may not use scripts.You MUST escape double quotes with a backslash \.
    If you wish to add images they must be placed in a directory named the 4 digits of your event in the assets/events directory. (Look in the repo for examples). You can reference the images in this way /assets/img/events/00XX/img.png for example <img src=\"/assets/img/events/0005/data.sql_.saturday.jpg\" width=\"225\" height=\"225\">
    Line breaks need to be entered as <br>
  • registrationurl This is your registration URL. You can leave this blank at first and update it later if need be.
  • rooms - If you are a virtual event with multiple tracks, you can add the name and the entry URL to those rooms
    - name: Room 1
      url: https://
    - name: Room 2 The cool one
      url: https://

As you probably won't have this detail when starting you can remove the name and URL entries leaving

  description: Click on the room you want to join. You can change room at any time to attend the sessions that you prefer.
  • scheduleurl - This is your schedule API URL from Sessionize. You can leave this blank until you have it.
  • sponsors - You can add as many sponsors as you wish or none at all. If there are no sponsors, your site will display a message suggesting that if anyone wishes to sponsor the event to contact you and a link to the contact (see below)
  • speakerlisturl - This works in conjunction with the callforspeakers entry below. When callforspeakers is true it will display a call for action button to the URL you provide. When the callforspeakers is set to false you put your Sessionize SpeakerWall API URL and it will display the Speaker Wall.
  • callforspeakers - This will be true at first and then false as described above
  • volunteerrequesturl - If you want a link for people to volunteer place it here
  • organizers - Add the details of the organizers and their contact details here. You can add as many as you wish. make sure to use the full twitter URL and not the @sign

Next - Check your YAML or if you are confident that you have no issues in your YAML file (The Problems tab is empty) - Create a Pull Request to the Data Saturdays GitHub repository