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For your discord utilities

Table of contents


  • To install this package, you can use the following command:

    npm i visa2discord
  • To install this package, you can also use the following command:

    yarn add visa2discord



  • The sleep function is used to introduce a delay in the execution of code. It can be useful in scenarios where you want to pause the execution for a specific period of time.

  • Usage

    const { sleep } = require('visa2discord');
    async function example() {
      console.log('Before sleep');
      await sleep(2000); // Sleep for 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
      console.log('After sleep');


  • The passGen function is used to generate a random password.

  • Usage

    const { passGen } = require('visa2discord');
    const password = passGen(6) // Generate a password with 6 characters
    console.log('Generated password:', password);
  • Example output

    Generated password: 5a2d3f


  • The AutoThreadJoiner function is used to automatically join threads.

  • Usage

    const { Client } = require('discord.js');
    const client = new Client({ intents: ['GUILDS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES', 'GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS'] });
    const { AutoThreadJoiner } = require('visa2discord');
    AutoThreadJoiner(client) // Automatically join threads

Clean Code

  • The cleanCode function is used to escape mentions and codeblocks in a given text string.

  • Usage

    const { cleanCode } = require('visa2discord');
    const code = 'const message = "Hello, this is a test message."';
    const cleanedCode = cleanCode(code);
    console.log('Cleaned code:', cleanedCode);
  • Example output

    Cleaned code: const message = "Hello, this is a test message."

Split MessageRegex

  • The splitMessageRegex function is used to split a message into multiple messages to avoid the 2000 character limit by Discord.

  • Parameters

    • text: The message to split into parts.
    • options (optional): An object containing the following properties:
      • maxLength: The maximum length of each part (default: 2000).
      • regex: The regular expression to use as the delimiter (default: /\n/g).
      • prepend: The string to prepend to each part (default: '').
      • append: The string to append to each part (default: '').
  • Usage

    const { splitMessageRegex } = require('visa2discord');
    const message = `This is a long message that needs to be split into multiple parts.\nIt contains multiple lines and exceeds the maximum message length.`;
    const parts = splitMessageRegex(message, {
      maxLength: 50,
      regex: /\n/g,
      prepend: '```',
      append: '```'
    console.log('Message parts:', parts);
  • Example output

      Message parts: [
      '```This is a long message that needs to be split into multiple parts.```',
      '```It contains multiple lines and exceeds the maximum message length.```'

Discord Timestamp

  • The discordTimestamp function is used to generate a discord timestamp.

  • Usage

    const { discordTimestamp } = require('visa2discord');
    const time =; // Current time
    const type = 'f'; // type of timestamp
    const timestamp = discordTimestamp(time, type);
    console.log('Discord timestamp:', timestamp);
  • Here are the types to use and their outputs on Discord:

  • d => 03/05/2023

  • D => March 5, 2023

  • t => 2:22 PM

  • T => 2:22:00 PM

  • f => March 5, 2023 2:22 PM

  • F => Sunday, March 5, 2023 2:22 PM

  • R => A minute ago

Discord activity generator

  • The generateActivity function is used to generate a discord activity.

  • Usage

    const { generateActivity } = require('visa2discord');
    const customActivity = await generateActivity(client, channel, { custom: "814288819477020702" })
    const nameActivity = await generateActivity(client, channel, { name: "youtube" })
    console.log('Generated activity:', `${customActivity.code}`);
    console.log('Generated activity:', `${nameActivity.code}`);
  • Here are the names that are supported:

    • youtube => Youtube Together
    • poker => Poker Night
    • betrayal =>
    • fishing =>
    • chess => Chess in the Park
    • checkers => Checkers.
    • doodlecrew => Doodle Crew
    • lettertile => Letter Tile
    • spellcast => Spellcast
    • wordsnacks => Word Snacks
    • watchtogether => Watch Together
    • ocho => Ocho
    • sketchheads => Sketch Heads
    • chessdev => Chess in the Park (Dev)
    • fishingdev => (Dev)
    • pokerdev => Poker Night (Dev)
    • letterleague => Letter League
    • watch => Watch

Disable Buttons

  • The disableButtons function is used to disable all buttons in a message
  • Usage
    const { disableButtons } = require('visa2discord');
    const message = await channel.send({ content: 'This is a test message', components: [row] });
    message.edit({ components: disableButtons(message) });


  • The transcripts function is used to generate a transcript of a Discord channel
  • Screenshots
    Discord Channel Discord Channel
    Generated Transcript Generated Transcript
  • Supports
    • Discord flavored markdown
    • Embeds
    • Replied messages
    • Channel and Role mentions
    • System Messages (Like boosted, Join message etc.)
    • Edited message
    • Slash Commands
    • Buttons
    • Select Menus
    • Reactions
    • Attachments (ANY)
    • Mentions
    • Pins
    • Threads
    • Stickers


  • quickExport

    • The quickExport function generates a transcript of messages from a Discord channel. It takes the following parameters:
      • channel (required): The channel to export the transcript from.
      • messages (optional): An array of specific messages to include in the transcript. By default, it includes all messages.
      • guild (optional): The guild associated with the channel, if available.
      • client (optional): The Discord client used for fetching messages, if available.
    • The function returns a Promise that resolves to the exported transcript message. If an error occurs while generating the transcript, an Error is thrown.
    • Usage
      const { AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
      const { quickExport } = require('visa2discord');
      const channel = client.channels.cache.get("channel_id") ||;
      const transcript = await quickTranscript(channel);
      //Gets latest 100 messages
      channel.send({ files: [new AttachmentBuilder(transcript, { name: 'transcript.html'})] });
  • exportChat

    • The exportChat function exports the chat transcript from a Discord channel. It is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise. It takes the following parameters:
      • channel (required): The channel to export the chat from.
      • limit (optional): The maximum number of messages to export. If not specified, all messages will be exported.
      • tz_info (optional): The timezone information for the transcript. Defaults to 'UTC'.
      • guild (optional): The guild associated with the channel, if available.
      • client (optional): The Discord client object, if available.
      • military_time (optional): Whether to use military time format for timestamps. Defaults to true.
      • fancy_times (optional): Whether to use fancy formatting for timestamps. Defaults to true.
      • before (optional): Limit the exported messages to those created before this date.
      • after (optional): Limit the exported messages to those created after this date.
      • support_dev (optional): Whether to include developer support information in the transcript. Defaults to true.
    • The function returns a Promise that resolves to the exported chat transcript. If an error occurs while exporting the chat transcript, an Error is thrown.
    • Usage
      const { AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
      const { exportChat } = require('visa2discord');
      const channel = client.channels.cache.get("channel_id") ||;
      const transcript = await exportChat(channel);
      channel.send({ files: [new AttachmentBuilder(Buffer.from(transcript, 'utf-8'), { name: 'transcript.html'})] });
  • rawExport

    • The rawExport function exports the raw chat transcript from a Discord channel. It is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise. It takes the following parameters:

      • channel (required): The channel to export the chat from.
      • messages (required): The specific messages to include in the export.
      • tz_info (optional): The timezone information for the transcript. Defaults to 'UTC'.
      • guild (optional): The guild associated with the channel, if available.
      • client (optional): The Discord client object, if available.
      • military_time (optional): Whether to use military time format for timestamps. Defaults to false.
      • fancy_times (optional): Whether to use fancy formatting for timestamps. Defaults to true.
      • support_dev (optional): Whether to include developer support information in the transcript. Defaults to true.
    • The function returns a Promise that resolves to the raw HTML content of the exported chat transcript. If an error occurs while exporting the chat transcript, an Error is thrown.

    • Usage

    const { AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
    const { rawExport } = require('visa2discord');
    const channel = client.channels.cache.get("channel_id") ||;
    const messages = await channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 100 });
    const transcript = await rawExport(channel, messages);
    channel.send({ files: [new AttachmentBuilder(Buffer.from(transcript, 'utf-8'), { name: 'transcript.html'})] });


  • Transcript
    • The Transcript class represents a chat transcript export and extends the TranscriptDAO class.

Pretty Bytes

  • Formats a number of bytes into a human-readable string representation.
  • Usage
    const { prettyBytes } = require('visa2discord');
    const bytes = 1000000000;
    const formatted = prettyBytes(bytes);
    console.log('Formatted bytes:', formatted);
    Example output
    Formatted bytes: 1 GB


  • If you want to contribute to this project, you can fork this repository and make a pull request.
  • If you want to report a bug, you can create an issue.
  • If you want to request a feature, you can create an issue.
  • If you want to contact visa2code#1747, you can join my discord server.




  • If you want to support me, you can star this repository and follow me on github.
  • You can also join my discord server.


  • This project is not affiliated with discord or any other company.
  • This project is not responsible for any damage caused by this project.
  • This project is not responsible for any damage caused by the usage of this project.
  • This project is not responsible for any damage caused by the usage of the code provided in this project.
  • This project is not responsible for any damage caused by the usage of the code provided in this repository.


  • Moved to relases on


  • Thanks for reading this file.
  • Have a nice day!
  • Goodbye!