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Created a to-do-list with HTML, CSS, Javascript.

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To-do-list app built with javascript that will create new tasks, with checkbox to checkmark the completed task and the users data is stored in LocalStorage.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • create new tasks and delete the completed ones.
  • Data should be stored in local storage so we dont lose the data when the page reloads.




My process

  • Created input field and button
  • created a card element which takes a value from input when user gives input and click create task new model of the card is created in order.
  • added delete feature with the use of filter.
  • stored the data in local storage and accessed when page reloads
  • made it responsive

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS
  • Flexbox
  • Javascript

What I learned

  • learned to create a strikethrough animation in css
  • learned to add Class to the existing classList in Dom

Continued development

I should practise building projects with vanilla javascript, need to work more an algorithm scripting and logic.
