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File metadata and controls

146 lines (113 loc) · 6.82 KB


bloodhound-import is a tool to run SharpHound collector and import json data to Neo4j DB used by Bloodhound.

sharphound binary is embed in to this app and its gets executed in-memory using go-donut(donut). bloodhound-import can also be used to just upload existing bloodhound json file to db using --bhi-upload-only flag.

Note: AzureAD data is not supported.


  • execute and upload (windows only)

    Following command will execute sharphound with flag --CollectionMethod All --SkipPortScan and once its completed, it will parse and upload json data to neo4j db at localhost:7687.

    .\bloodhound-import.exe `
                 --bhi-neo4j-url "bolt://localhost:7687" `
                 --bhi-neo4j-username "neo4j" `
                 --bhi-target-directory "C:\temp\bloodhound-import-output" `
                 --CollectionMethod All `
  • upload only

    Following command will only upload Bloodhound data to neo4j

    export BHI_NEO4J_URL="bolt+s://neo-db-url:443"
    export BHI_NEO4J_PASSWORD="P@ssw0rd"
    ./bloodhound-import --bhi-upload-only --bhi-delete-exiting-data --bhi-target-directory ./data


Bloodhound-import configs

ARGS ENV variable example / explanation
--bhi-neo4j-url BHI_NEO4J_URL neo4j db URL, it should include schema and port. 'bolt://[IP/Host]:7687', 'bolt+s://[IP/Host]:443' default:bolt://localhost:7687
--bhi-neo4j-username BHI_NEO4J_USERNAME DB username for basic auth default:neo4j
--bhi-neo4j-password BHI_NEO4J_PASSWORD DB password for basic auth
--bhi-target-directory BHI_NEO4J_PASSWORD folder where all unzipped SharpHound json files are exported and then uploaded to neo4j. Its also location of json data in upload-only mode
--bhi-upload-only use upload only mode without running sharphound collector default:false
--bhi-delete-exiting-data when specified ALL existing data from database will be deleted before uploading new data default:false
--bhi-delete-json-file delete json files from target folder after upload is completed default:false
--bhi-logfile location of log file
--bhi-log-level set logging level default:info

supported SharpHound config flags

ARGS example / explanation
--CollectionMethod Specifies the CollectionMethod being used.
--OutputPrefix Prefix to add to output files
--Stealth Use stealth collection options, will sacrifice data quality in favour of much reduced default: false
--Domain Specifies the domain to enumerate. If not specified, will enumerate the current domain your user context specifies.
--WindowsOnly Limits computer collection to systems that have an operating system attribute that matches Windows default: false
--ComputerFile A file containing a list of computers to enumerate.
--LdapFilter Append this ldap filter to the search filter to further filter the results enumerated
--SearchBase DistinguishedName to start LDAP searches at. Equivalent to the old --OU option
--PrettyJSON Output 'pretty' json with formatting for readability default: false
--CacheFilename Name for the cache file dropped to disk default: uniqu hash generated per machine)
--RandomizeFilenames Randomize file names completely default: false
--NoSaveCache Don't write the cache file to disk. Caching will still be performed in memory. default: false
--InvalidateCache Invalidate and rebuild the cache file default: false
--DomainController Domain Controller to connect too. Specifying this can result in data loss
--LdapPort Port LDAP is running on. Defaults to 389/686 for LDAPS
--SecureLDAP Connect to LDAPS (LDAP SSL) instead of regular LDAP default: false
--DisableKerberosSigning Disables keberos signing/sealing, making LDAP traffic viewable default: false
--LdapUsername Username for connecting to LDAP. Use this if you're using a non-domain account for connecting to computers
--LdapPassword Password for connecting to LDAP. Use this if you're using a non-domain account for connecting to computers
--SkipPortScan Skip SMB port checks when connecting to computers default: false
--PortScanTimeout Timeout for SMB port checks default: "2000"
--ExcludeDomainControllers Exclude domain controllers from enumeration (useful to avoid Microsoft ATP/ATA) default: false
--Throttle Throttle requests to computers (in milliseconds)
--Jitter Add jitter to throttle
--OverrideUserName Override username to filter for NetSessionEnum
--NoRegistryLoggedOn Disable remote registry check in LoggedOn collection default: false
--DumpComputerStatus Dumps error codes from attempts to connect to computers default: false
--RealDNSName Overrides the DNS name used for API calls
--CollectAllProperties Collect all string LDAP properties on objects default: false
--StatusInterval Interval for displaying status in milliseconds

Unsupported SharpHound config flags

Following sharphound config flags are not supported by bloodhound-import

OutputDirectory¹, EncryptZip, ZipFilename, NoZip, Loop, LoopDuration, LoopInterval

¹ --OutputDirectory is set to --bhi-target-directory

Node Types and Relationship

While importing data to neo4j app will create following types of nodes and relationships based on Bloodhound json data.


(:Base :$objectType {objectid: $objectid} {$})  


(:User|Computer) -- [:MemberOf] --> (:Group)
(:User|Computer) -- [:AllowedToDelegate] --> (:Computer)

(:User) -- [:HasSIDHistory] --> (:MemberType)
(:User) -- [:service,  {port: item.port}] --> (:Computer)

(:MemberType) -- [:AllowedToAct] --> (:Computer)
(:Computer) --- [:HasSession] ---> (:User)

(:MemberType) -- [:AdminTo {fromgpo: false|true}] --> (:Computer)
(:MemberType) -- [:CanRDP {fromgpo: false|true}] --> (:Computer)
(:MemberType) -- [:ExecuteDCOM {fromgpo: false|true}] --> (:Computer)
(:MemberType) -- [:CanPSRemote {fromgpo: false|true}] --> (:Computer)

(:GPO) -- [:GpLink {enforced: item.enforced}] --> (:OU|Domain)

(:OU|Domain) -- [:Contains] --> (:User|Computer|OU)

(:Domain) -- [:TrustedBy {sidfiltering: x, trusttype: y, transitive: z}] --> (:Domain)

ACE RelationShips

(n)-[r:TYPE {isacl: true, isinherited: false|true}]->(m)

TYPE =  AllExtendedRights