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typescript-eslint Performance Comparisons

Various performance baselines for typescript-eslint.

👪 All Contributors: 2 🤝 Code of Conduct: Kept 📝 License: MIT 💪 TypeScript: Strict


You'll need hyperfine installed locally, such as with brew install hyperfine or winget install hyperfine. See sharkdp/hyperfine#installation.

npm install
npm run generate
npm run measure

You can manually measure individual cases by running hyperfine ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --ignore-failure --warmup 1.

Measured Attributes

The caseEntries values in src/data.ts can be modified to test:

  • files: roughly how many generated files should be linted
  • layout: what rough shape of imports those files exhibit:
    • "even": a single root-level index.ts importing from roughly an even triangle shape of files
    • "references": a single root-level tsconfig.json with project references to a few projects
    • "wide": one root-level index.ts importing from all files in the project
  • singleRun: whether to enable single-run inference as a performance boost
  • types: whether to use parserOptions.project or parserOptions.projectService for typed linting


Right now, parserOptions.project with single-run inference outperforms parserOptions.projectService. This is a performance issue and we are investigating it as a critical bug for v8.

│ files │ project (even layout) │ service (even layout) │
│ 1024  │ '1.750 s ±  0.008 s'  │ '2.473 s ±  0.011 s'  │

See typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#9571 Performance: parserOptions.projectService no longer outperforms parserOptions.project in typescript-eslint. Also see the 📌 pinned issues later in this file.

Result Measurement Notes

  • Example measurements taken on an M1 Max Mac Studio with Node.js 22.4.1
  • These results are similar across TypeScript versions: 5.0.4, 5.4.5, and 5.5.3


The traces/ directory contains more specific traces for investigations.

✨ You might consider using 0x for nice flamegraph visuals.

All comparisons were run on a common shape of linting: 1024 files with the "even" (triangle-shaped) imports layout.

Comparison: Globals in Scopes

📌 Filed on typescript-eslint as ⚡ Performance: Overhead of populateGlobalsFromLib in scope-manager.

This trace shows the impact of @typescript-eslint/scope-manager's populateGlobalsFromLib.

See traces/globals-scope-manager/:

  • baseline.cpuprofile: Baseline measurement with no changes
  • skipping.cpuprofile: Commenting out the contents of populateGlobalsFromLib

They were generated with:

cd files-1024-layout-even-singlerun-true-types-service
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=baseline.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
# clear ../../node_modules/@typescript-eslint/scope-manager/dist/referencer/Referencer.js > populateGlobalsFromLib
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=skipping.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js

Hyperfine measurements show a ~20% improvement in lint time:

Variant Measurement User Time
Baseline 3.137 s ± 0.024 s 4.417 s
Skipping 2.477 s ± 0.014 s 3.501 s

Comparison: Project and Project Service

This is a preliminary trace to start debugging their differences.

See traces/Project 1 - Service 2.cpuprofile.

  • Trace #1: parserOptions.project
  • Trace #2: parserOptions.projectService

It was generated with:

cd cases/files-1024-layout-even-singlerun-true-types-project
node --inspect-brk ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
cd ../files-1024-layout-even-singlerun-true-types-service
node --inspect-brk ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js

Comparing equivalent code paths:

Code Path Project Service
All verifyTexts 2040ms 2859ms
parseForESLint 993ms 1090ms

Comparison: Project Service Client File Cleanups

📌 Filed on TypeScript as ⚡ Performance: Project service spends excess time cleaning client files when called synchronously.

This comparison shows the cost of the TypeScript project service calling cleanupProjectsAndScriptInfos.

See traces/service-file-cleanup/:

  • baseline.cpuprofile: Baseline measurement with no changes
  • skipping.cpuprofile: Commenting out the contents of TypeScript's cleanupProjectsAndScriptInfos

They were generated with:

cd files-1024-layout-even-singlerun-true-types-service
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=baseline.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
# clear ../../node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js > cleanupProjectsAndScriptInfos
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=skipping.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js

Hyperfine measurements show a ~15-20% improvement in lint time:

Variant Measurement User Time
Baseline 3.215 s ± 0.041 s 4.483 s
Skipping 2.501 s ± 0.017 s 3.758 s

Comparison: Project Service Uncached File System Stats

📌 Filed on TypeScript as ⚡ Performance: Project service doesn't cache all fs.statSync.

This comparison shows the cost uncached fs.statSync calls inside the project service.

See traces/service-uncached-stats/:

  • baseline.cpuprofile: Baseline measurement with no changes
  • caching.cpuprofile: Adding a caching Map to TypeScript's statSync

They were generated with:

cd files-1024-layout-even-singlerun-true-types-service
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=baseline.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
# edit ../../node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js > statSync (see diff below)
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=caching.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
diff patch to switch to the Caching variant...
diff --git a/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js b/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js
index 4baad59..44639d5 100644
--- a/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js
+++ b/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js
@@ -8546,9 +8546,15 @@ var sys = (() => {
+    const statCache = new Map();
     return nodeSystem;
     function statSync(path) {
-      return _fs.statSync(path, { throwIfNoEntry: false });
+      if (statCache.has(path)) {
+        return statCache.get(path);
+      }
+      const result = _fs.statSync(path, { throwIfNoEntry: false });
+      statCache.set(path, result);
+      return result;
     function enableCPUProfiler(path, cb) {
       if (activeSession) {

Hyperfine measurements show a ~7-12% improvement in lint time:

Variant Measurement User Time
Baseline 3.112 s ± 0.033 s 4.382
Caching 2.740 s ± 0.030 s 4.032

Comparison: Project Service Uncached File System Path Reads

📌 Filed on TypeScript as ⚡ Performance: Project service doesn't cache all fs.realpath.

This comparison shows the cost uncached fs.realpath calls inside the project service.

See traces/service-uncached-realpaths/:

  • baseline.cpuprofile: Baseline measurement with no changes
  • caching.cpuprofile: Adding a caching Map to TypeScript's realpath

They were generated with:

cd files-1024-layout-even-singlerun-true-types-service
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=baseline.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
# edit ../../node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js > realpath (see diff below)
node --cpu-prof --cpu-prof-interval=100 --cpu-prof-name=caching.cpuprofile ../../node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
diff patch to switch to the Caching variant...
diff --git a/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js b/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js
index 4baad59..e53476d 100644
--- a/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js
+++ b/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
 and limitations under the License.
 ***************************************************************************** */

+var realpathCache = new Map();
 var ts = {}; ((module) => {
 "use strict";
 var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
@@ -8798,6 +8800,15 @@ var sys = (() => {
       return path.length < 260 ? _fs.realpathSync.native(path) : _fs.realpathSync(path);
     function realpath(path) {
+      const cached = realpathCache.get(path);
+      if (cached) {
+        return cached;
+      }
+      const result = realpathWorker(path);
+      realpathCache.set(path, result);
+      return result;
+    }
+    function realpathWorker(path) {
       try {
         return fsRealpath(path);
       } catch {

Hyperfine measurements with --runs 50 show a ~0.5-2.5% improvement in lint time:

Variant Measurement User Time
Baseline 3.153 s ± 0.039 s 4.403 s
Caching 3.073 s ± 0.048 s 4.377 s


Jake Bailey
Jake Bailey

Josh Goldberg ✨
Josh Goldberg ✨

🤔 🚇 🚧 📆 🔧